Software Craftsmanship

We are still in the software crisis, and because of that, we still need to develop new methodoligies and strategies in order to mitigate as much as we can this problem. When programming and software engineering arrived, at the first stages people relied on cascade methods, meaning that the phases of a project were done straight. This time, almost everyday we are seeing new programming languages being created, new libraries, frameworks, cloud tools, and technologies that came to change how we develop and operate applications (for example Docker containers and Kubernetes). 

Engineers should need to be prepared for a correct structure of their code, design and project. Corporations and organizations should not try to get better their product or solution by adding new methods or practices, instead, they should rather focus in the responsibles of generating the code, I mean, the programmers or coders. 

I like the analogy of programmers being craftsmen. After hearing the podcast I had curiosity to properly read the Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship. One point caught my attention: 

Not only individuals and interactions, but also a community of professionals

Programmers must not only pay attention to customers, but to their partners around the world. Today, I am aware that there are several communities work together to develop new products and/or services (open source projects like Cloud Native). Though, their product must not evaluate the software, the software must be evaluated by the design, structure, programmed aka well-crafted software.

To conclude, I would like to extend an invitation to every computer science student, programmer and future engineer to learn more about this. We should grow as a community, strengthening the partnership, adding value to their products and above all, have the will to teach and help educate the future generations  in the discipline to become the ideal professionals.

Manifesto of Software Craftsmanship. Available in


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